Saturday 25 June 2011

Job interview tips for unemployers

Tips on getting more Job interviews
When searching for a job, the main part of it is getting interviews. Once you get a lot of interviews the chances of being accepted for a job increase dramatically.
Also, if you are qualified for a certain job that has many openings on the market at a certain time you might be able to choose the best suitable job for you and for the convenience of your family.
In this article you will find a few tips on getting more job interviews and therefore widening your range of choices when it comes to your job:
a) The first tip is related to proving your value. You should make efforts to make job applications as good as you can. It is normal for employers to hire the best people for the salary they are offering. Therefore, if your job application will be average, chances are you will not get an interview with that employer.
b) Your covering letter should sell you. The first piece of information seen by the employers is the covering letter. If you will create a great one, chances are you will get an interview. If not, your application will end up in the trash eventually.
c) The resume and the cover letter should be different one from another. This is because employers reading the same thing in two pieces of paper will not be satisfied nor impressed. You have to maximize the impact of your covering letter and resume by being unique and look over qualified for the job.
d) You should think of the employers and not yourself when submitting a resume and covering letter. The main idea is to state what you can do for them and not what your expectations are from them. If you will not use the word “I” in applications, you are on your way to getting more interviews. This is one of the most encountered mistakes people make because they focus mainly on their requirements.
e) The last tip for getting an interview is applying early for a job. You should apply as soon as you see the opening for a job because this way you will have greater chances of being selected for an interview. This is because your application will surely be read in the first days but once they get a good application, they might not concentrate on future applicants.
In conclusion, reading the tips above will help you get more job interviews and thus getting more opportunities for your dream job.

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