Saturday 25 June 2011

Weight Loss- The Natural Way at home

One of the best kept secrets of weight loss is by eating healthy. Unfortunately, a majority of people tend to have the notion that healthy foods are nothing but boring and undesirable to eat. It is just a nightmare to think of eating salad throughout the day. However, unknown to many is that you can make salads to be more interesting to eat. Having recognized this as an issue, the article aims at providing you with a few tips on preparing delicious salads that can immensely contribute to your weight loss.
First and foremost, it is important to understand what it is that makes up a salad. Traditionally, when preparing salads for a meal, the starting point is greens. Green vegetables have been known for ages as not containing high quantities of calories and as such can be eaten as much as possible without the fear of gaining weight. Some of the greens that you can include in your salad include lettuce and spinach. Other than vegetables, you can make your salad more interesting by sprinkling a little of meat but. However, do not add fried meat as these are rich in calories and you will not be doing any justice to your weight loss program.
Types of salad
Discussed herein are different types of salads you can make for your meals, i.e.
-          Chicken Caesar Salad: the most popular of all the salads and is appropriate if you intend to lose weight while eating delicious healthy food. In order to make chicken Caesar salad, you will need to have garlic, ciabatta bread, and small quantities of chicken, lettuce and parmesan cheese. The quantity of each ingredient is however dependent on you however, watch out as not to add too much of the chicken.
-          Salad Nicoise: unlike the chicken salad, salad nicoise is prepared using tuna and as such as a different taste. Ensure that when preparing the salad that ingredients that are of high calories are kept to the minimum. Do not be tempted to remove meat entirely from the diet as a well balanced diet is of importance.
-          Chicken and grape salad: you can also use grapes in combination with chicken to create a unique kind of meal even though the taste maybe strange to your mouth. As stated earlier, the quantities of chicken should be kept to the minimum since balanced diet is also a key.
How to create your own salad
From the few stated examples, you at least have an idea on how to go about making a salad tasty and delicious and should be in a position to make some of your won. The more varieties that you include to your diet the simpler it will be to keep your diet moving on for a given period of time.
Weight loss is all about determination and hard work. The goals and objectives for your weight loss program should be long term and not short term as some of the short term goals are impractical and unattainable

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