Saturday 25 June 2011

Safe Steps Towards Weight Loss

Lifestyle changes have led to doctors grappling with diseases that were once thought of as an old man’s disease amongst most young people in today’s society. Diabetes and heart ailments are now not only common amongst young adults but are also prevalent amongst teenagers and children below the age of 10. Weight loss has thus become a hot topic and most people are on the lookout for effective weight loss programs that they can enter. However, most have fallen victims to unscrupulous entrepreneurs who are out to cash on their need. Discussed herein are guidelines that can enable you to lose weight without having to starve yourself to death.
Before kick starting your weight loss program, it is important to understand that food contributes more to weight problems as it is used as a source of energy and energy that is in excess is stored as fat.
First and foremost, you need to lose your craving for food. Your body utilizes food for energy and any that is in excess is stored up as fat. Whereas, it maybe difficult to cut down on the amount of food that you eats it is possible to substitute unhealthy meals with healthy foods such as fruits and water.
Avoid eating too much food. The best way is to eat small quantities of food regularly instead of skipping meals that only acts up as catalyst for food cravings. In addition, when eating, avoid helping yourself to second serving. Before leaving for work ensure that you have packed some sandwich. You can do this the previous night if your mornings are busy.
Decide on the food and drink to avoid at all cost. To help you do so, you need to make a list of food and drink that you consume on a daily basis by carrying along with you a notebook before leaving the house and noting in it whatever that you consume and their nutritional value. This will help you evaluate the types of food that have high calorie intake. To cut down on your calorie intake, you can:
-          Minimize your alcohol intake as alcoholic beverages such as beer are rich in high calories.
-          Avoid snacking. Unknown to a majority of people is that by avoiding one biscuit per day they end up losing at least 5 pounds at the end of the year.
-          Instead of drinking fizzy drinks when thirsty, opt for water.
Increase your metabolism rate by engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, team activities. When at home watching movies, during commercial breaks stand and walk around the room. In addition, outline regular home based exercise routines, e.g. skipping rope, bike riding, and treadmill workout and jogging and ensure that you stick to them.
Last but not least, when shopping for food, ensure that your shopping basket only includes healthy meals, i.e. buy lean meat, i.e. chicken or fish over red meat, skimmed milk instead of whole milk and substitute fattening foods such as bacons and eggs for high fiber cereals. Moreover, your exercise routine should be constant

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