Saturday 25 June 2011

Weight Loss- How to Lose Weight Safely At Home

Weight loss is not as hard as most people would think as it entails burning the excess calories that we consume. However, if the process were that simple then we would not be dealing with it, wouldn’t we? Many people view weight loss as a burden that they have struggle with in order to see immediate results. There are no shortcuts to weight loss and programs such as diet pills, rigorous exercise routines and diet crash programs are all in vain as over 80% of people who have taken this high road have fallen off or given up along the way. The secret lies in making small but gradual changes with each coming day that will eventually have a huge impact on you.
Unknown to a majority of persons is that in order to shad one pond you have to burn at least 3500 calories. This might sound as a huge feat but it can be undertaken. Discussed herein are step wise routines that you can undertake to help you with your weight loss program.
First and foremost, you need to predetermine your metabolic rate. This can be defined as the amount of calories that you need to take in each day for your normal bodily functions. To help you do so, carry a notebook with you as you leave the house and in it note sown the types of foods and drinks that you consume over the day and if possible their nutritional value. This will enable you to come up with a comprehensive list of the foods that you eat and the ones that can be avoided at all costs or substituted.
Secondly, you need to decide on what food and drink that you can avoid, e.g. you can cut down on the number of spoonfuls of sugar that you put in your tea or coffee, avoid taking soda pops, opt for lean meat rather than red meat that are full of fat and avoid skipping meals. Whereas, skipping meals can be a good idea to burning the excess fat stored in your body the knock on effect it has is that you become hungrier and end up snacking a lot.
Thirdly, increase the level of your activities. Other than the usual exercise program, you can engage in activities such as group sporting, walking to the shopping mall and standing between commercial breaks.
Fourthly, cut down on your calorie intake. As stated earlier, your body utilizes food for energy and excess energy is stored as fat. By minimizing the amount of calories intake, you condition your body to utilizing excess fat that is stored therein. To do so, you can.
-          Eat small quantities of healthy foods but regularly.
-          Avoiding snacking between meals.
-          Reducing alcohol intake.
-          Drinking water instead of pop sodas.
Last but not least, you need to predetermine the amount of exercise that you need. If you have not been excising on regular basis, it is not wise to start beating up the treadmill or running for miles as you are likely to cause grievous body harm to yourself.

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