Saturday 25 June 2011

Weight Loss- 30 and Above Generation

A proven fact of the aging process is that as one grows older, their metabolic rate also decreases. As one grows older, the percentage of ones body that comprises of fat doubles up and in turn decreases muscle load. Given that fats burn far much less calories compared to muscles, the metabolic rate also decreases resulting in more calories being piled up as fat deposits. It is an acceptable belief that gaining weight at the age of 30 and above it is still possible to engage in a weight loss program that will see that the excess fat deposits are burnt.
Discussed below are weight loss practices that you can indulge in to ensure that you do not become overweight because of your age.
  1. Living an active lifestyle: Recent studies have shown that individuals tend to live an inactive life as they age. Whereas, it is common to feel aches and pains once in a while, it should not be an excuse of not exercising those muscles. By visiting the gym on a regular basis you can not only keep your body slender but also fit and healthy no matter your age. In as much as some folks may find working out in a gym to a boring activity, it is advisable that you have a friend accompany you. Remember to take part in activities that will not only burn the excess calories but are also fun.
Other forms of exercise includes taking a walk in the park for approximately 20 – 30 minutes, parking a few blocks from where you work and walking the remaining distance and opting to use the stair case instead of the elevators. By doing so, you will be surprised at how much weight you can lose in a short period of time.
  1. Reduce calorie intake: for normal bodily functions such as breathing, blood circulation and muscle tone, the body needs calories that it gets from food that are converted into energy. As you age, the body needs few of these calories due to reduced muscle load. For effective weight loss, it is recommended that you eat food that are low in calories but are also healthy. These may range from salads, yoghurt and meals low in fiber such as oat meal. Remember for every 3500 calories that you take, your body stores 1 pound of fat deposit.
The following are eating practices that you can engage in to ensure that your calorie intake is kept to the minimum, i.e.
-          Avoid snacking between meals.
-          Eat balanced diet.
-          Avoid skipping meals.
-          Avoid second helping after each meal.
-          Reduce the spoonfuls of sugar in your coffee or tea.
-          Eat meals in small quantities.
  1. Get enough sleep: Unknown to a majority of persons is that sleeping can greatly contribute to weight loss. This is because there are hormones that are transmitted to your brain and are interpreted by the brain that your body does not need food and as such you will not feel the pangs of hunger.

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